Moab City Planning Commission Report 2021-02-25

The meeting is about 30 minutes long and can be viewed at

There is only one action item on the agenda:

Consideration And Possible Approval Of Planning Resolution #02-2021, A Planning Resolution Approving The Townhome Plat Application For The 3rd Street Townhomes, Property Located At 116 South 300 East, Moab UT 84532

The resolution changes the development from a condominium development to a townhome development with each townhome as a separate parcel. This was described as a simple “platting exercise” with no change in the physical character of the development. The PC approved the change with one abstention. 

Discussion and future agenda items:

1. There will be some text amendments to the Moab City Code. The noise ordinance will be moved from the Zoning Code to the health and safety section.

2. The City is considering changes to the home occupation ordinance. The current COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in more extensive home occupation uses. This may result in a change in the list of disallowed occupations, related parking requirements and other issues.

3. Eight new development applications have been received including the final plat for Lions Back.