July 14, 2020 11:44
New BLM NEPA item posted
July 14, 2020 11:44
New BLM NEPA item posted
July 14, 2020 07:44
Unfavorable recommendations for small HDHO proposal and large 313/191 rezone request. Further discussion of 313/191 small area plan.
July 14, 2020 05:36
Begin CT 5:34, end CT 21:13, day length 15.64 hours; 20-year avg high 99.9, 20-year avg low 66.2
July 13, 2020 05:36
Begin CT 5:34, end CT 21:13, day length 15.66 hours; 20-year avg high 99.9, 20-year avg low 66.1
July 12, 2020 18:32
Community Garden at Anonymous Park, pre-annexation discussion, rental bike rules, and more COVID news.
July 12, 2020 12:46
Pre-annexation and potential development near Westwood and Denny's; community garden; rental scooters; bike skills park retrospective.
July 12, 2020 12:45
Hotspot Committee focus group considers middle-of-street parking.
July 12, 2020 05:43
After nearly three years in an "alpha" stage of development, MADAR has recently graduated to a public "beta" stage. Here's a summary of where we are now and where we might be going on the near future.
July 12, 2020 05:36
Begin CT 5:33, end CT 21:14, day length 15.68 hours; 20-year avg high 99.8, 20-year avg low 66
July 11, 2020 19:53
Large rezone request near 191/313 junction; small HDHO request; interviews for vacant PC seat; 191/313 area plan.
July 11, 2020 15:58
New agenda posted
July 11, 2020 15:58
Agenda info revised: minutes added
July 11, 2020 15:58
Agenda info revised: minutes added
July 11, 2020 15:58
Agenda info revised: minutes added
July 11, 2020 15:58
Agenda info revised: minutes added
July 11, 2020 05:36
Begin CT 5:32, end CT 21:14, day length 15.7 hours; 20-year avg high 99.7, 20-year avg low 65.8
July 10, 2020 15:24
Lionsback Resort will proceed with construction under 2008 approval; conditions and standards for hotels discussed for Hwy 191 corridor north to the river.
July 10, 2020 05:36
Begin CT 5:31, end CT 21:15, day length 15.72 hours; 20-year avg high 99.7, 20-year avg low 65.7
July 9, 2020 16:58
New agenda posted