County Planning Commission meeting report 2020-09-14

313/191 Small Area Plan

The Planning Commission continued to work on the draft Small Area Plan for the 313/191 area (turn-off to Dead Horse Point and Island in the Sky). The draft vision statement was finalized, taking into account feedback from the public and the recent GCC/PC workshop. Most of the time was spent on revising the use table (permitted uses) for the “Resort Special” zone. (This zone is specific to this area.) There will be a couple of more rounds of public comment before the plan becomes final.

HDH proposal adjacent to OK RV Park

The owners of the OK RV Park, 3324 Spanish Vally Dr., recently purchased an awkwardly shaped 1-acre lot adjacent to the RV park. They would like to use it for employee housing, and so applied for a High Density Housing zone to allow three modular homes in addition to the existing house on the lot.

There were many complaints from neighbors about the disruption caused by the RV park. Until recently, the RV park was a legal non-conforming use within the residential neighborhood. In 2019, the county placed overlay zones on all existing tourist lodging, and as a result the RV Park became a conforming use. Neighbors felt that permitting high density employee housing adjacent to the RV park would make a bad situation even worse.

After much discussion, the PC forwarded a favorable recommendation for the HDH proposal, with the added condition the the owners construct a privacy fence between the HDH lot and neighboring lots. The vote was 5-1-1, with Nelson voting against and Walker abstaining.