Moab City Planning Commission Meeting Report 2021-07-22

The Moab City Planning Commission meeting on July 22 included one action item and one discussion item.

The meeting can be viewed at

The agenda can viewed and downloaded at this URL

The PC Chair determined that the COVID-19 situation warranted continuing the use of online meetings without a physical public anchor location and extended the use of online meetings only for 30 days.

Action item: the Planning Commission discussed Resolution 05-2021 A Resolution Amending The City Of Moab Planning Commission Bylaws To Allow Electronic Participation.

After a brief discussion the PC passed the resolution.

This will permit Planning Commission members to attend meetings from remote location when necessary. Previously members had to be present to vote. 

Discussion item: continued a workshop and discussion concerning possible changes to the Moab Municipal Code regulating Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The Utah legislature passed HB 22 which requires city, town, and county governments to permit ADUs as a use by right in some types of zoning. The use by right means that zoning codes cannot prohibit the use. There are a few issues of concern that will need to be decided. As long as the ADU is located within the current structure it would seem not to be a problem. Building additional ADUs on a lot would increase density. The result of this is uncertain. For instance, adding additional buildings on a lot could present problems for our current code which requires a certain number of parking spaces for dwelling units. HB 22 would also require allowing an ADU to be built on top of a garage as long as it fits within the current footprint of the garage. The problem in Moab would arise because setbacks for garages are different than setbacks for homes. Garages can generally be built closer to the property line than homes. Changes to the zoning code will be discussed and passed in the near future.

A copy of HB 22 is included in the packet that can be found at the link above.