Moab City Planning Commission Meeting Report 2021-09-23

The Sept. 23, 2021  Planning Commission meeting lasted about one hour. The meeting can be viewed on the Moab City YouTube channel at
The Planning Commission meeting packet which includes the agenda and minutes from the three previous meetings can be found here

The agenda included one action item other than approving the minutes. Future agenda items are included at the end of this report.

Agenda Item 4.1 Consideration And Possible Recommendation To The City Council On Ordinance 2021-16. An Ordinance Amending The Text Of The Moab Municipal Code (MMC) To Revise Section 17.70 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) And Section 17.06.020 Definitions.

  • This ordinance revision states, “Accessory dwelling units are encouraged as dwellings for persons to increase affordable housing opportunities in the R-2, R-3, R-4, and RA-1 residential zones. They shall be allowed in the R-1 zone on lots sufficient in size to allow further subdivision.”
  • The Planning Commission voted unanimously by all four commissioners present to forward the ordinance with a positive recommendation to the City Council. The Planning Commission included some changes to the draft ordinance.
    • There will be a grandfather clause which would make currently existing ADUs without formal permission legal.
    • The Planning Commission suggested that ADUs could be up to 1500 square feet in a lot of 20,000 square feet and up to 1200 square feet for lots smaller than 20,000 square feet. On larger lots the number of units would be determined by the lot size and the required set backs from the property lines.
    • Building safety codes would also determine the proximity of ADUs to other structures with fire being the primary concern.

Future agenda items: Two minor subdivisions will be considered at the next meeting. A few site plans are being developed and will be on the agenda of future meetings.